We can write this code using the syntax of the SQL IIF statement as follows. With the AND operator, the query displays a row if ALL the conditions listed are true. If we want to search for employees who live in London AND who are over 30 years old, we will use the following SQL statement: In the actual execution plan, look at the properties of Compute Scalar. You can see that the CASE statement is executed internally. The request must return Orange Likes if the person`s name is not in the IN clause. In the following example, the vinay person does not exist in the @Person variable, so the value of a false clause is returned. You can use IIf wherever you can use expressions. You use IIf to determine whether another expression is true or false. If the expression is true, IIf returns a value. If false, IIf returns a different value. You specify the values returned by IIf. [Resolved] How to write the If condition inside the where clause in SQL, you can do this by using the ISNULL keyword in a Simple Select statement using Hide Copy Code. Select * from the list of doctors, where DoctorName A value of -1 means that the WHERE clause should not include this parameter in the join/clause.

If the value of the parameter is greater than -1, I must include the value in my WHERE clause. I would prefer NOT to use an IF-ELSE statement as it seems sloppy in this case. I have seen this question here. [Resolved] How to apply a conditional statement in the SQL WHERE clause, I have a problem applying a conditional `if` in the where clause of the SQL query. Here is the query. I removed unnecessary joins, Specifies the search condition for the rows returned by the query. Transact-SQL syntax conventions. Syntax [ WHERE ] arguments Defines the condition that must be met for rows to be returned. There is no limit to the number of predicates that can be included in a search condition. In the following example, we specified two integer variables and assigned values. We use variables for comparison purposes in the IIF statement.

We will use the following syntax to execute a SQL SELECT query with several conditions in the WHERE clause: MySQL: With IF in a WHERE clause, I recently had to use an IF statement in a WHERE clause with MySQL. other WHERE statements, otherwise it must execute the IF function on each line where (if email null or ltrim (email) = « then email2 is otherwise end of email) like `%[email protected]%` By the way, the example if statement really says «If email starts with a number greater than 0». This is because the comparison is with 0, a number. MySQL implicitly attempts to convert the string to a number. Using CASE statements In an UPDATE SQL query, a small problem with CASE statements is that you can only return simple values in your THEN clauses. It`s slightly less flexible than using dynamic You can`t have multiple WHERE clauses for an SQL statement, but you can use a CASE statement to accomplish what you`re trying to do. Another option you have is to execute multiple UPDATE statements. Here is an example with the CASE statement: UPDATE table SET val = (CASE someproperty WHEN 1 THEN X WHEN 2 THEN Y ELSE val END); We use the following format to write case statement logic in SQL queries We can also combine the AND and OR conditions to create even more complex SQL statements (you may need to use parentheses to form complex expressions).

Keep in mind that we want to find all employees who live in London AND are over 30 YEARS OLD OR employees who live in Swindon, regardless of age. The syntax for this multicondition SQL statement would look like this: In the following example, we want to compare the string data using the SQL IIF statement. We want to know which person likes based on the person`s name. Use IIf in complex expressions You can use any expression as part of an IIf statement. You can also «nest» IIf expressions to evaluate a number of dependent expressions. To continue with the previous example, you can test several different CountryRegion values, and then display the appropriate language based on the present value: Case statement in the Where clause with SQL Server parameters, WHere Case @param1 When 1 Then myDate1 Between @DateParam1 And @DateParam2. If 2 Then myDate2 enters @DateParam1 In this article, I will show how we can use the CASE in WHERE clause in SQL Server. My requirement is to retrieve records from the following tables based on the specified parameter, but the business requirement is that if I pass null, it must return all records, and if I pass a parameter value, it must return the corresponding records.

I want to use the CASE statement to update some records in SQL Server, add a WHERE clause. UPDATE dbo. TestStudents SET LASTNAME = CASE WHEN LASTNAME = `AAA` THEN `BBB` WHEN LASTNAME = `CCC` THEN `DDD` For example, you can use CASE in statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SET, as well as in clauses such as select_list, IN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and HAVING. Sample Microsoft SQL Docs query, CASE (Transact-SQL). For example, suppose we want to get all the people in the People table whose person type is VC or IN. To do this with CASE, you can write: SELECT FirstName, LastName, PersonType FROM Person.Person WHERE 1 = CASE WHEN PersonType = `VC` THEN 1 Ask TOM «Case construct with WHERE clause», who was tired of writing the same select statement under different if conditions with some changes in the where condition. This was very useful and is it possible in Oracle to put conditional IF statements in the WHERE clause? I want to filter all lines with an end date before today. And if the end date is empty, it shouldn`t filter through it. .