Articles 12 to 12. What is common sense for the purposes of entering into a contract? It is said that a sensible person is in favor of offering to enter into a contract if, at the time he concludes it, he is able to understand it and form a rational judgment about its impact on his interests. A person who is usually of an unhealthy mind, but sometimes of a healthy mind, can enter into a contract if he is of sound mind. A person who is generally sane, but sometimes unhealthy, cannot enter into a contract if he is of an unhealthy mind. «; $(« #vdcontent » + vid).html(Daten); } } function hidedata(id) { $(« #hdata » + id).hide(); } function RModalAns(idr,ctr,ok) { if ($(« #ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtIDU »).val() != « 0 ») { if (ok == « 1 ») { $(« #dvRedeem »).html(« please wait.. »); PageMethods.RedeemModal($(« #ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtIDU »).val(),idr,ctr,$(« #ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtReferedSubz »).val(), getlikes); fonction getlikes(result) { toastr[«info»](result); window.location.reload(); } } else { toastr[«error»](`Unzureichender Betrag in wallet. . . .